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Riot aims to limit gold funneling to Master Yi and Karthus in mid lane

Taric Mid and Master Yi Jungle Combo Set to be Nerfed in League of Legends

Recently, Riot Games announced plans to address the issue of gold funneling in the mid lane in League of Legends in a post on the official game forums. Gold funneling involves one champion giving all their resources to a hyper-carry champion, such as Nunu giving jungle resources to Karthus or Taric giving mid lane farm to Yi. This strategy has become increasingly popular, but Riot is looking to change that.

Concerns Over the Impact of Gold Funneling

While the Taric mid and Master Yi jungle combo is one of the more famous examples of gold funneling, it is not the only strategy being used. There are other combinations like Mordekaiser mid and Shyvana jungle, or Kayle mid and Yi jungle. Riot’s main concern with these strategies is that they reduce the interactivity and play-making potential of the mid lane, which is typically a fast-paced and engaging part of the game.

Possible Solutions

To address this issue, Riot is considering implementing an over-level penalty for jungle camps. This means that if the jungler’s level is significantly higher than the level of the jungle camp, they will receive less experience from it. While an over-leveling penalty was previously in place, if it returns, it may not be as severe as before. Additionally, Riot is exploring champion-specific changes, such as adding damage reduction to Master Yi’s Alpha Strike when used on lane minions only, or reducing experience gains from lane minions when using jungle items.

Anticipated Release

We can expect these changes to be tested on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) soon and potentially go live with either Patch 8.13 or 8.14.

League of Legends, gold funneling, mid lane, Taric, Master Yi, nerf, strategies, Riot Games, over-level penalty, jungle camps, champion-specific changes, Patch 8.13, Patch 8.14