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A Beginner’s Guide to Legends of Runeterra

If you’re new to Legends of Runeterra or collectible card games (CCG) in general, it might feel overwhelming to learn the ins and outs of the game. With over 300 cards and 24 champions, it can be a lot to take in. But don’t worry, here are some beginner tips to help you get started:

Play the tutorials

Legends of Runeterra offers four separate tutorials when you start the game. Each tutorial introduces you to a champion’s unique level-up mechanic and provides some lore and banter between rival champions. Once you finish the basic tutorials, you’re on your own.

If you want to learn more about each champion, Riot has prepared robust tutorial matches for each one. These matches allow you to experience each champion in a preset scenario, giving you a chance to see them level up and dominate the enemy Nexus.

Spell speed: Slow, Fast, and Burst

Spells in Legends of Runeterra have different speeds: Slow, Fast, and Burst. Slow spells can only be cast outside of battle and can’t be played in response to another Slow spell. Fast spells can be cast at any time, including during combat, but still allow the opponent to respond. Burst spells resolve instantly, without giving the opponent a chance to counterplay.

When choosing spells for your deck, consider their speed and how they fit into your overall strategy.

Learn the keywords

Keywords play a crucial role in Legends of Runeterra. They can appear in card descriptions or be granted by champions and followers. To make your matches less confusing, here’s a list of important keywords:

Two powerful keywords are Quick Attack and Challenger. Quick Attack allows units to strike first during an attack, defeating the defender without taking damage if the units die. Challenger lets you drag an enemy unit onto the battlefield, allowing you to take down key targets that would otherwise be unchallenged.

Use phases to your advantage

Legends of Runeterra has unique phases inspired by Magic: The Gathering. Each round consists of offensive and defensive players, with multiple turns possible during a round. Each player can play one card (except Burst spells) before it switches to the opponent’s turn. The roles swap each round until one Nexus is taken down.

One interesting aspect of the game is that the turn doesn’t end immediately after an attack. Players can continue summoning units and casting spells until the attacking player uses their attack token. This allows for strategic gameplay and counterplay between the two players.

By considering the phases and timing your actions, you can gain an advantage over your opponents and secure victories.

In conclusion, Legends of Runeterra is a unique and innovative CCG that offers a variety of gameplay mechanics. By following these beginner tips, you can navigate the game more effectively and enjoy a legendary experience.

Legends of Runeterra, CCG, collectible card games, beginner tips, tutorials, spell speed, keywords, phases