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Gen.G deals SK Telecom T1 their second week loss

Gen.G Extends LCK Summer Split Record with Victory over SK Telecom T1

Gen.G secured another win in the LCK Summer Split as they dominated SK Telecom T1.

Since the league resumed play earlier this week, SKT has been adapting to the gameplay changes introduced in patch 8.11. In their match against Afreeca Freecs last Wednesday, SKT fearlessly embraced the unconventional picks that have been popular in solo queue. This included top laner Darius and a quasi role-swap between mid laner Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok and AD carry Bae “Bang” Jun-sik to gain an advantage in matchups. SKT’s strategies perfectly aligned with the current meta.

However, despite their understanding of the game-state, SKT struggled to execute their strategies, which was evident in their match against Afreeca and now against Gen.G.

In response to their loss against Afreeca, SKT decided to focus on creating aggressive drafts around their jungler, Park “Blossom” Beom-chan. In game one against Gen.G, SKT prioritized Rengar as their first pick in order to counter Gen.G’s Xin Zhao. Unfortunately, Blossom was not able to perform well on Rengar and ended up being caught out multiple times. This lack of execution seemed to stem from a lack of communication within SKT.

In game two, SKT made a similar mistake by heavily relying on Blossom’s Master Yi. However, Gen.G effectively controlled Blossom’s Master Yi with their crowd control abilities. Additionally, Faker was on Taric, a supportive champion, which limited his ability to make game-changing plays.

With this loss, SKT’s first week of the Summer Split comes to an end. Next, Gen.G will face MVP on June 17.

Related keywords: Gen.G, LCK Summer Split, SK Telecom T1, gameplay changes, patch 8.11, Afreeca Freecs, meta, Darius, role-swap, Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, Bae “Bang” Jun-sik, SKT strategies, execution, Park “Blossom” Beom-chan, Rengar, Xin Zhao, lack of communication, Master Yi, Faker, Taric, game-changing plays, Summer Split, MVP.