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Mata, KT Rolster support, encounters Taliyah bug

The Taliyah Bug Strikes Again, Causing a Lengthy Pause in LCK’s Opening Match

In a recent match between KT Rolster and KINGZONE DragonX, a game-breaking bug involving Taliyah caused a nearly 50-minute pause. KT Rolster support player, Cho “Mata” Se-hyeong, fell victim to this bug when a weaver wall created by his teammate led to a pathing error, preventing him from moving where he intended. This bug deprived Mata of joining a crucial teamfight near KT’s inner turret.

Considering the significant impact this bug had on the game, the broadcaster SPOTV initiated a chronobreak after a 49-minute pause, reverting the game back 35 seconds. Interestingly, the Taliyah bug did not resurface after the chronobreak and the champion was allowed in the remaining matches of the night.

In today’s LCK matches, both Taliyah and Karthus were available for play but were not allowed to use the smite summoner spell. This decision came as a response to a similar bug that appeared during a match between Echo Fox and Clutch Gaming in the NA LCS. Riot Games, unable to chronobreak the NA LCS match to an earlier point, awarded the win to Echo Fox due to their significant lead at the time of the bug. As a result, Taliyah was subsequently disabled for the remainder of the NA LCS games that day.

Currently, it is unclear whether the Taliyah bug will impact the champion’s availability in the upcoming week of both the NA LCS and EU LCS.

Taliyah bug, LCK, KT Rolster, KINGZONE DragonX, weaver wall, pathing error, chronobreak, Taliyah jungle, NA LCS, Echo Fox, Clutch Gaming, game-breaking bug, teamfight.