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Top 5 League of Legends champions with the highest presence rates at Worlds 2019 thus far

The 2019 League of Legends World Championship has started, and the first day of quarterfinals is over. With 16 teams in the main event, fans got to see many champions played at a professional level.

But there are some champions that are either loved or hated more than others. These champions have a high presence rate at the tournament and are frequently banned if not picked.

Top 5 Champions with Highest Presence Rate

Kayle—78 percent

Kayle was banned in 27 games and picked 18 times during Worlds. She was often played in the top and mid lanes, and even as an ADC by SKT Telecom T1’s bot laner Park “Teddy” Jin-seong. Hextech Gunblade has been a popular item in her build at Worlds this year.

Kayle is known for her ability to split-push quickly and deal burst damage. She excels in the late game and is great at teamfighting.

Akali—84.5 percent

Akali has been banned 29 times and picked 20 times, with the majority of picks coming from Korean teams. Mid laners have been more successful playing her than top laners. DAMWON Gaming’s Heo “ShowMaker” Su had a standout performance with Akali against defending champions Invictus Gaming.

Akali is not easy to play, but professional players can utilize her high damage and mobility for incredible outplays. She has the potential to solo-carry a game.

Renekton—84.5 percent

Renekton is a popular pick among pro players. He has been picked 13 times and banned in 36 games. Renekton was even played in the mid lane in one game due to surprising strategies. He has a high win rate at Worlds, with 10 victories.

Renekton is a strong top laner with mobility, early to late game strength, split-pushing abilities, and crowd control. He is also fairly tanky and has sustain.

Qiyana—89.7 percent

Qiyana has been either picked or banned in almost every game at Worlds. Out of 58 games played so far, she has been played in 12 and banned in 40. She has been played in the jungle, mid, and even top.

Qiyana is a heavy damage dealer with great teamfight potential due to crowd control on her ultimate. She is a dangerous assassin that requires skill to master.

Pantheon—100 percent

Pantheon has been present in every draft phase at Worlds but has not been played once. He has been banned in all 58 games of the main event.

Pantheon is a strong early game champion with a targetable stun, immunity, and high damage. His ultimate allows for map-wide pressure and fits into many team compositions.

Related: Why does Pantheon still have 100 percent presence rate at Worlds 2019?

Pantheon is a champion that top tier teams do not want to play against due to his overwhelming power.