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Decoding the Enigma of Cloud9’s League of Legends Lineup

The brief offseason between the 2018 Spring and Summer Splits in the NA LCS was quiet for most teams, except Cloud9. Cloud9 shocked everyone by making drastic changes to its roster. Mid laner Nicolaj Jensen, Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi, and Andy “Smoothie” Ta, who were considered the team’s best players, were benched. The revamped roster went 1-1 in the first week of the Summer Split, but the move remains baffling.

To understand what’s going on, we looked at the team’s play before and after the controversial decision and also considered the statements made by the organization and players. This shakeup is a huge change for a team that has been very successful in the past and how they handle the next few weeks will have a big impact on their future.

Oh so close

Jensen, Sneaky, and Smoothie are highly regarded because Cloud9 has been one of North America’s top teams with them. They were the only NA LCS team to advance past the group stage at both of the past two World Championships. Domestically, they’ve been very close to winning another LCS title. In the spring playoffs last year, they outplayed rivals TSM for nearly the entire match and had an advantage in the deciding fifth game before Jensen misplayed the game-ending teamfight.

The last time Cloud9 held the LCS championship trophy, Hai Lam was their leader. This season was a crucial chance for a new generation of C9 stars to take hold of the region and make their mark.

Lackadaisical attitudes

Cloud9 has historically been a loose, friendly team. While this has its advantages, it can also have consequences. An article about the team’s daily routine showed that they were seen as not serious enough by other players. The team’s attitude was criticized for being too lenient and lacking competitiveness.

C9’s scrim habits were also a point of concern. The team’s concentration and goal to improve during practice decreased, which affected the quality of their scrims. In contrast, the Academy players who were elevated to starter status showed a different level of dedication and work ethic during scrims.

Results on stage

The problem with judging the team solely on scrim results is that they don’t always translate to on-stage performance. The old roster had a history of performing well when it mattered, even if they didn’t always excel in scrims. But as the rest of the NA LCS improved, Cloud9 fell behind and wasn’t a strong contender in the last split’s playoffs. The head coach, Reapered, believed that the old roster couldn’t continue relying on clutch wins and a change was necessary.

Cloud9’s passiveness in games was also a concern. They were comfortable letting the game stall out and relied on late-game teamfighting to win. This strategy worked for a while, but other teams figured it out. In the end, Liquid swept C9 in the playoffs by outplaying their splitpush strategy.

A bet on Reapered

The decision to bench the star players was not solely based on strategy, but also about creating an environment where the coach sets the tone. The organization is betting on Reapered’s leadership and putting their faith in him. This is a significant shift for C9, as coaches in professional League are usually not given the same level of deference as star players.

The CEO of Cloud9, Jack Etienne, has made it clear that he is sticking with his coach and expects the players to change their attitudes. This move sends a powerful message that the coach is valued over the players. While there is some risk involved, Etienne believes in Reapered’s vision for the team.

It remains to be seen how far Reapered can lead his new roster. Cloud9’s performance throughout the rest of the split will determine the success of this bold move.