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Riot Set to Implement Stricter Penalties for Griefers in LoL Soon

Riot Games to Implement Stricter Punishment Measures for Toxic Players in League of Legends

In an effort to tackle the persistent issue of toxic behavior in League of Legends, Riot Games has announced plans to introduce stricter punishment measures for players who engage in disruptive behavior. The changes, outlined by behavior systems lead Hana “TimTamMonster” Dinh, aim to create a more positive gaming environment for all players on Summoner’s Rift.

One of the key changes involves disabling ranked queues for repeat offenders and requiring them to play in different queues in order to unlock the mode again. While some players may be concerned about encountering toxic players in unranked games, Riot believes that this step will ultimately lead to improved behavior and a healthier gameplay experience.

“We know there’s still much more work to do,” Dinh stated in a developer’s blog. “But these changes give us greater confidence that we’re heading in the right direction, and we’re excited to have an even greater impact on preventing disruptive behavior from ruining your gaming experience.”

These ranked restrictions will be incorporated into existing penalties, including account bans that disable all game modes for a certain period of time. Riot will closely monitor the level of toxicity and disruptive behavior in other game modes once the new systems are implemented.

Switch to Year-long Calculation for Honor Rewards

In addition to punishment measures, Riot plans to implement a switch to a year-long calculation for Honor rewards instead of the current system that splits rewards into two seasons. This means that players will need to maintain good standing throughout the entire year in order to receive the unique Honor skin and other loot as a reward.

Focusing on Negative In-Game Behavior and Griefing

Looking ahead, Riot will focus on addressing negative in-game behavior and griefing through other means, such as abilities used against teammates. The company is dedicated to finding more ways to combat this issue and create a more positive gaming environment throughout the year.

By implementing these stricter punishment measures and making improvements to the honor system, Riot Games aims to foster a healthier and more enjoyable gaming experience for all players in League of Legends.

Riot Games, League of Legends, toxic players, behavior systems, ranked queues, disruptive behavior, account bans, Honor rewards, in-game behavior, griefing, positive gaming environment.