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Vasili’s Ragequit: A Disappointing Moment for an Outstanding Player

Rage Quitting in Professional eSports

Rage quitting is a common occurrence in video games, where players become frustrated and leave the game in anger. This behavior has been around since the beginning of gaming.

Although rage quitting is not seen often in professional games, it recently happened in China’s second tier League of Legends league. Marksmay Li “Vasilii” Wei-Jun of IN Gaming decided to rage quit when his team was losing by a large margin.

Vasilii’s team was down 9,000 gold and his teammates were not performing well. Frustrated, he left the game, forcing his team to surrender. He then vented his anger on his peripherals, causing a loud noise heard by everyone in the studio.

The organization has apologized for Vasilii’s actions and fined him for the incident.

A Promising Career Goes Downhill

This incident is just the latest in a series of setbacks for Vasilii. He started his career with Chinese team LMQ and had the opportunity to compete at Worlds. However, his career took a turn for the worse when he returned to China and joined Vici Gaming.

Vasilii struggled with his team, and his frustration led him to damage equipment at the gaming house during a livestream.

Although he has tried to control his anger and salvage his career, it seems that Vasilii has not been successful. He has gone from being a starter on a top team to a substitute player on a second tier team.

The Consequences of Caring Too Much

Rage quitting is often a result of caring too much about a game. For professional players like Vasilii, who have made gaming their career, the stakes are even higher. The pressure to perform well can lead to explosive reactions.

It is unfortunate that Vasilii, who had an inspiring story of success, has been unable to overcome his anger issues. He proved that determination and strength of will can lead to success, but now his career is in jeopardy.

rage quitting, esports, Vasilii, League of Legends, professional gaming