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Possible Transfer: Bunny FuFuu May Join Immortals

Former Cloud9 Player Bunny FuFuu Rumored to Join Immortals

Michael “Bunny FuFuu” Kurylo, previously a support player for Cloud9, is being rumored to make a move to Immortals. Bunny FuFuu had been sharing playing time with Andy “Smoothie” Ta on Cloud9, but starting from week seven of the North American League Championship Series, Smoothie became the full-time support while Bunny FuFuu was sidelined.

The Conspiracy Unfolds

The speculation began when Jun “Dodo” Kang, the Immortals General Manager and team chef, messaged Kurylo privately on the League of Legends client. Unfortunately for Bunny, the message appeared in his Twitch chat while he was streaming. Here is the transcript of their brief conversation:

Dodo: “Hey Bunny, when are you moving into the house?”

Bunny FuFuu: “STRTMEIANG” (Trying to type the word, “streaming” very rapidly.)

Dodo: “…”

Dodo: “oh s**t”

Bunny FuFuu then proceeded to type and send a period repeatedly in the LoL chat to clear the messages off the screen.

What Does This Mean for Immortals?

Currently, Adrian “Adrian” Ma is the support player for Immortals. It seems unlikely that Bunny FuFuu would replace Adrian as the starter, especially since Immortals is holding a strong second place in the LCS standings, with only one loss to the undefeated Team SoloMid. However, Bunny FuFuu might join Immortals as a substitute, as many other teams are beginning to utilize substitutes more. This would provide the team an advantage in flexing players that excel in different team compositions.

Bunny FuFuu and Adrian have different playstyles, with Adrian favoring squishy and mage-based support champions like Karma, Nami, and Soraka, while Bunny FuFuu leans towards tanky support champions like Braum and Thresh. Bringing Bunny FuFuu on board would introduce more diverse playstyles to the Immortals team. Additionally, there is a chance Bunny FuFuu might be placed in an Immortals challenger series roster in the future.

No Official Confirmation Yet

After the rumors started gaining traction, Adrian tweeted a sad face emoji. Subsequently, Dodo replied to the tweet, asking Adrian when he was moving out of the house. It’s important to note that Adrian is known for his humorous social media posts, so it’s best not to read too much into their exchange. At this point, everything is still speculative, and no official statements have been made by Immortals, Bunny FuFuu, or Cloud9.

You can follow @GAMURScom on Twitter for updates on the situation.