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TSM and G2 Rule over LCS AllPro Teams

TSM Dominates LCS AllPro Lineup for Summer Split

The LCS awards for the 2016 Summer Split have kicked off with the announcement of the AllPro lineups by Riot. The best players in each position from each region have been chosen as the top performers in their respective areas. TSM has taken the lead in North America with four members, while G2 has secured three spots in Europe.

In North America, the AllPro team consists of Kevin “Hauntzer” Yarnell, Yeu-Jin “Reignover” Kim, Soren “Bjergsen” Bjerg, Yilliang “Doublelift” Peng, and Vincent “Biofrost” Wang.

Reignover from Immortals is the only non-TSM member to make the team, while Biofrost stands out as the lone rookie to secure a spot. It’s not surprising that TSM players dominated the vote, considering their nearly flawless performance during the regular season. The only TSM member who didn’t make the team is Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen.

The European AllPro team includes Martin “Wunderwear” Hansen, Kang-yun “Trick” Kim, Gun-woo “Night”, Jesper “Zven” Svenningsen, and Alfonso “Mithy” Aguirre.

There were no surprises in Europe either as split winners G2 secured a significant portion of the vote, especially with their strong bottom lane duo of Zven and Mithy, widely regarded as the best in the LCS. Wunderwear earned a spot in the top lane after a fantastic season with Splyce, and Giants mid laner Night also secured a place on the team. Night accumulated eight Player of the Game awards, just one shy of the highest record of nine, achieved by Trick.

The teams were selected through votes from the LCS broadcast team, LCS players, and third-party media. The coach of the split, rookie of the split, and the overall MVP have yet to be decided. The first announcement will be made on Aug 17.

LCS awards, AllPro lineups, TSM, G2, North America, Europe, players, best performers, Riot, vote, Hauntzer, Reignover, Bjergsen, Doublelift, Biofrost, Wunderwear, Trick, Night, Zven, Mithy, regular season, Immortals, top lane, mid laner, split winners, broadcast team, rookie of the split, MVP.