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Griffin parts ways with manager Cho, issues apology to former coach cvMax

Apology and Firing of Griffin’s General Manager

The CEO of Griffin’s parent company, Still8, has publicly apologized to coach Kim “cvMax” Dae-ho and announced the firing of general manager Cho Gyu-nam.

Controversy Surrounding cvMax’s Dismissal

CVMax’s dismissal from the team just before Worlds and the scandal involving general manager Cho Gyu-nam have sparked a lot of controversy.

Apology from Still8 CEO

In a statement, Still8 CEO Seo Kyung-jong apologized to the Griffin fan base and cvMax, acknowledging the coach’s significant contribution to the team. Manager Cho Gyu-nam allegedly claimed that he wasn’t responsible for Griffin’s success and that any other coach could have led the team to victory in the LCK.

Contradictory Statements and Firing of Cho Gyu-nam

However, Cho Gyu-nam’s superior contradicted his statements, putting him in the firing line again. CvMax spent the time after his dismissal discussing issues with the team and management.

CvMax’s Allegations and Investigation

The main allegations made by cvMax were related to Cho Gyu-nam’s interference in player affairs and contracts, particularly in the case of former Griffin player Seo “Kanavi” Jin-hyeok. Riot and KeSPA are currently investigating these allegations.

Griffin’s Performance at Worlds

Despite the controversy, Griffin has performed well in their first run at Worlds, with a 2-1 record in the group stage. Their only loss came against G2 Esports.

Controversy Surrounding Top Laner Substitute

The replacement of Griffin’s original top laner, Choi “Sword” Sung-won, with Choi “Doran” Hyeon-joon has caused further controversy. CvMax benched Sword in favor of giving Doran a chance to gain experience. However, Sword played in Worlds, leading to speculation about his relationship with Cho Gyu-nam.

Sword’s Support for Cho Gyu-nam and Criticism of cvMax

Upon learning about cvMax’s dismissal, Sword questioned whether cvMax was in the wrong, expressing support for Cho Gyu-nam. He also criticized cvMax for his behavior.

Possible Return of Doran to Starting Roster

With Cho Gyu-nam gone, there is a possibility that Doran will return to Griffin’s starting roster. However, it is more likely that Sword will remain in the lineup to maintain the team’s synergy at Worlds.

Investigation Delayed until Worlds Conclusion

Still8’s CEO announced that the investigation will take place after Griffin’s Worlds campaign concludes. He urged fans not to harass the players and to give them the best chance at winning a world championship.

Griffin, Still8, cvMax, coach, general manager, controversy, dismissal, apology, investigation, Worlds, performance, top laner, Sword, Doran, synergy.