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A game-changing Teleport nerf is set to arrive soon in League

Riot Introduces Nerf to Teleport Spell in League of Legends

It seems that Riot Games is not a fan of the dominance of Teleport in the current League of Legends meta, as they have announced a major nerf to the Summoner Spell. This change is likely to have a significant impact on the meta once again, as it has done numerous times in recent months.

In this upcoming nerf, the cooldown for Teleport will be increased by a whole minute, going from 300 seconds to 360 seconds. Additionally, cancelling the Spell early will no longer result in a cooldown reduction. While this nerf may appear extreme, it is possible that Riot may reconsider or adjust it before its implementation in two weeks.

Reasons Behind the Teleport Nerf

Riot Games believes that a Teleport nerf is necessary to address the issue of one Summoner Spell being dominant in multiple roles. Currently, Flash already holds this position, and having two Spells taking up this role would make the existence of other Spells unnecessary.

Potential Impact on the Meta

However, despite the need for a Teleport nerf, the severity of this change might have unintended consequences on the overall meta. The game has already experienced a volatile meta due to drastic and heavy-handed balance changes in the past six months. This nerf, though aimed at one Spell, could potentially disrupt the balance in other areas as well.

For example, many marksmen in the current meta rely on Teleport to quickly return to the bot lane and compete against aggressive early game champions. With the nerf to Teleport, marksmen could face even more challenges in the bot lane. Furthermore, there is a chance that champions who do not rely on Teleport, such as high damage fighters, bruisers, and assassins who prefer Ignite, could become more dominant in the top lane.

Release Date

If this Teleport nerf passes the Public Beta Environment testing, it will be implemented in Patch 8.14 on Wednesday, July 18.

Teleport nerf, League of Legends, Summoner Spell, Riot Games, meta, balance changes, marksmen, top lane.