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AP Varus annihilates tanky Cho’gath with one-shot in an ARAM match

League of Legends Player Uses AP Varus Build to Obliterate Tank

A League of Legends player recently showcased the power of the AP Varus build in an ARAM game. With just a press of a button, the player managed to completely obliterate an opposing tank.

The Devastating One-Shot

In a clip shared earlier today, the player demonstrated how Varus’ AP ratios can be utilized to one-shot the enemy Cho’gath, who had over 5,000 health. The sheer amount of damage caught everyone off guard, causing the enemy team to retreat and granting Varus’ team another opportunity to secure victory.

The Power of AP Ratios

The massive amount of damage dealt by Varus was made possible by his significant AP ratios. In this particular case, Varus’ Q ability inflicted over 4,000 damage with a single hit on the tanky Cho’gath. While this may seem absurd, it can be attributed to Varus’ high AP ratios.

The Key to Devastation

One of the main reasons behind Varus’ immense damage output was his passive ability, Blighted Quiver (W). This allows each autoattack or ultimate to apply Blight stacks, which can then be detonated by other abilities. These detonations deal five percent of the target’s maximum health plus an additional two percent for every 100 AP Varus has.

In the clip, Varus had over 700 AP, resulting in the Blight base damage being calculated at 60 percent of the maximum health. This damage was further amplified by the fully charged Piercing Arrow (Q), which increased Blight’s damage by up to 50 percent. Taking into account Varus’ other items, effects, and resistances, the total damage inflicted was more than enough to eliminate Cho’gath.

Limited Viability on the Rift

While this strategy may be effective in ARAM due to the game mode’s pace and innate multipliers, it is nearly impossible to replicate on the Rift.

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