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Lissandra’s Upcoming New Passive Ability is Astonishingly Absurd

Riot has been working on a small-scale rework for Lissandra, and it seems like they are ready to introduce a new passive.

Lissandra’s current passive allows her to cast an ability without using mana occasionally, and its cooldown is reduced with crowd control on an enemy. However, the new passive is much more exciting and impactful.

The new passive, called “Iceborn,” turns champions that Lissandra damages within three seconds into Frozen Statues. These statues slow nearby enemies by 30 percent, and after 2.5 seconds, they shatter and deal magic damage to nearby enemies.

This shift in her passive greatly enhances her teamfighting abilities. Combining Iceborn with other teamfighting mages like Brand can create devastating effects. For example, if Lissandra bursts down an enemy and turns them into a statue, Brand’s ultimate can bounce off the statue and cause additional damage and slows to the whole team.

It is too early to determine the exact power of this new passive, as we don’t know the specific numbers yet. It will also take some time before the rework is completed.

Lissandra fans can look forward to a more satisfying and impactful kit with this upcoming change.