7 Best ADCs for Lethality in League of Legends

ADC champions rely on attack speed, critical strike, and high attack damage. However, some champions can benefit from lethality bonuses. Lethality works well against squishy champions who don’t stack armor, which is common in the bot lane where you’ll face support and ADC champions. In …

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Top 7 Lethality ADCs in League of Legends

ADC champions in esports rely on attack speed, critical strike, and high attack damage. While most ADC champions are built this way, some benefit from lethality bonuses. Lethality works well against squishy champions who don’t stack up on armor. In the bot lane, where you …

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Top Hybrid ADCs in League of Legends

Playing League of Legends can be a joyful experience, but it can definitely get frustrating when you’re constantly getting bullied in your lane and your support isn’t doing their job. If you’re tired of that, then this article is for you. We’ll be listing some …

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