Top 6 VALORANT Classic Pistol Skins

By Arjun Nair

The Best Classic Skins in VALORANT

VALORANT is known for its impressive selection of skins that are highly regarded in esports for their creativity and design. When it comes to the Classic pistol, which is commonly used in pistol and save rounds, having a high-quality skin is essential. Here are the top Classic skins in VALORANT:


Despite unconfirmed reports that the Prime skins provide recoil control benefits, the Prime Classic skin is visually appealing in every color. Its unique reload animation and distinctive laser sound make it a standout choice. While there are color variants available, the original Prime Classic is considered the best.


Raze’s contract pistol, Pistolinha, is one of the best recolor-style pistol skins. It strikes a balance between eye-catching and subtle, making it a great choice. The skin can be obtained for free by completing Raze contracts, although it may take some time to obtain the full contract.


The Smite Classic skin features a lightning-strike pattern that adds a fun touch to the shorter pistols. It is only available for purchase with real money, so you’ll need to keep an eye out for it in the store. Compared to more expensive reskin options, the Smite Classic offers an affordable yet slick look.


When paired with the Sovereign Ghost, the Forsaken Classic skin adds a visually appealing touch to your pistol lineup. The small green wisp of smoke during reloading and after firing multiple shots adds a smooth aesthetic. Overall, the Forsaken Classic is a great skin choice.


The Glitchpop Classic skin stands out with its excellent final kill animation. The red variant is the most vibrant, but any recoloring of the base pink and blue skin is fantastic. The skin offers great sound effects and smooth animations, making it worth the cost if you want to enhance your style.

RGX 11z Pro

The RGX 11z Pro skin line is highly popular due to its numerous upgrade options. The Classic skin in this collection is colorful without being overly distracting. Players have the ability to enhance visual effects, animations, and even add a kill counter and finisher to this skin.

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