All Field Notes: Deino Research Tasks and Rewards for Pokémon Go Community Day

By Declan Duffy

All the details you need to know about Pokémon Go Community Day

Pokémon Go Community Day is an exciting event that brings trainers together from all around the world. During this event, players can catch exclusive Pokémon, enjoy special bonuses, and participate in unique research tasks. The most recent Community Day features the rare Pokémon Deino, which trainers have the opportunity to encounter and add to their collection.

Deino and its unique features

Deino is a Dark/Dragon type Pokémon that evolves into the powerful Hydreigon. It is known for being particularly elusive and sought after by trainers. Community Day offers trainers a chance to catch Deino more frequently in the wild. By using Incense or Lure Modules, players can attract Deino and other rare Pokémon to their location. In addition to increased spawn rates, trainers also have the opportunity to encounter a Shiny Deino, which comes with a unique color variation.

Field Research tasks and rewards

During Pokémon Go Community Day, trainers can complete exclusive Field Research tasks to earn various rewards. These tasks range from catching specific Pokémon to participating in battles. By completing these tasks, trainers can earn items such as Stardust, Poké Balls, and Rare Candy. This provides an extra incentive for trainers to explore and engage in various gameplay activities during the event.

Event bonuses and features

Apart from the increased Deino spawns and Field Research tasks, Pokémon Go Community Day also includes a range of bonuses and features to enhance the overall experience. During the event, Incense lasts for three hours, allowing trainers to attract more Pokémon to their location. Additionally, eggs placed in Incubators during the event hatch at a quarter of their usual distance. By taking advantage of these bonuses, trainers can maximize their progress and make the most out of their gameplay time.

Pokémon Go Community Day is a highly anticipated event that brings trainers together to share their love for the game. With exclusive Pokémon, unique research tasks, and exciting bonuses, it offers a thrilling and rewarding experience for all participants. Join the Community Day and seize the opportunity to catch rare Pokémon, complete special tasks, and connect with fellow trainers from around the world!

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