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One LoL team is dominating so much at MSI they’re averaging 18 kills a game

This year’s League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational is jam-packed with dramatic games full of ups and downs, close calls, and a plethora of kills—yet one team is sweeping Summoner’s Rift clean with their performance so frequently that they are averaging 18 per game.

According to pro play stats,, G2 top the charts with their unique approach. The only other team that has come close is Fnatic with 16.4, while Asian teams such as Gen. G, T1, and Top Esports average 14 kills per match.

G2 is well-known for their aggression, particularly in the early game. The squad frequently chooses strong champions such as Kalista, Nautilus, and Vi. Players like Hansama and Mikyx are constantly on the search for early kills, which they then use to build up their lead and close out the game.

Given G2’s aggressive playstyle, you would expect a lot of deaths, but that has not been the case so far. The team has the fewest deaths at MSI, with only 10.4 per game. Even Gen.G, which has a superb track record in this event, averages 12.2 per match.

Having said that, Gen.G has already secured a berth in the finals following their encounter against Bilibili Gaming. G2, on the other hand, must still go through T1 and Bilibili Gaming before facing the MSI 2024 giants.

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