League of Legends Players Criticize the Return of Nexus Blitz as ‘Unentertaining and Imbalanced’

By Ishaan Khatri

Riot Games Rereleases Nexus Blitz, but Players are Disappointed

Riot Games recently brought back the highly-requested game mode Nexus Blitz with the latest League of Legends Patch 13.21 on Oct. 25. However, fans are not pleased with the current state of the mode.

After spending a few days exploring the returning Nexus Blitz, League players have come to the consensus that it is “unfun and unbalanced.” A Reddit post by u/RaiN_Meyk3r on Oct. 29 perfectly summarizes everyone’s sentiment.

“There’s no fun in winning or losing because the event was rigged towards you or the enemy team,” they stated. “Loot Teemo never leaves your/enemies side of the map, the AI-controlled Soraka mindlessly walks into the enemy team while theirs plays cautiously, and the flaming circle of death conveniently ends in the enemy team’s jungle, forcing you to deal with a powerful and relentless gargoyle.”

This player’s point is that once you fall behind in Nexus Blitz, it becomes nearly impossible to catch up and turn the tide of the game. The mini-games are designed to favor the team that is already winning, rather than providing an opportunity for the losing team to make a comeback.

As a result, winning or losing an event in Nexus Blitz feels weightless and ultimately makes the experience unenjoyable. Additionally, players feel pressured to stick to specific Nexus Blitz tier lists just to secure a victory, rather than having fun and playing the champions they genuinely enjoy.

I’ve personally played all three versions of Nexus Blitz, and while I enjoy the mode, it has its flaws. The events are not adequately balanced, the rewards for winning an event are excessive, and the emphasis on meta champions rather than personal preferences takes away from the overall enjoyment. It is clear that Riot should have taken another look at this mode before reintroducing it to live servers.

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Riot Games, Nexus Blitz, League of Legends, game mode, players, criticism, unbalanced, unfun, mini-games, comeback, tier lists, meta champions, flaws, live servers

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