JD Gaming and head coach Homme part ways

By Ishaan Khatri

JD Gaming bids farewell to head coach Yoon “Homme” Sung-young

The head coach of LPL’s JD Gaming, Yoon “Homme” Sung-young, has officially left the organization, as announced by JD Gaming on Twitter. Homme played a crucial role in JDG’s success over the past two years, leading the team to consecutive LPL finals and securing a spot at the 2020 League of Legends World Championship.

Homme’s Departure and Impact on JDG

Homme’s departure marks the end of an era for JDG. Despite being considered one of the favorites to win Worlds 2020 alongside Top Esports and DAMWON Gaming, JDG struggled in the knockout stage of the tournament. The team faced difficulties adapting to the meta and suffered a surprising defeat at the hands of underdogs Suning.

One area where JDG faltered was in the pick and ban phase, which was supposed to be Homme’s specialty. This led to JDG’s downfall in the quarterfinals. Additionally, Seo “Kanavi” Jin-hyeok’s inability to perform at an international level with farming champions created a significant disadvantage for JDG in the jungle position.

Homme’s Future and Potential Return to South Korea

As for Homme’s future, it remains uncertain which team he will join next. However, considering the resurgence of the LCK at this year’s World Championship, it’s possible that he may return to his home country of South Korea, where he initially made a name for himself.

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JD Gaming, Homme, LPL, League of Legends, head coach, departure, Worlds 2020, pick and ban phase, underdogs Suning, Seo “Kanavi” Jin-hyeok, jungler, LCK, South Korea

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