Explained: Discovering the Mythic Variants of League of Legends

By Ishaan Khatri

Introducing Mythic Variants in League of Legends

League of Legends has several different skin tiers, including Legacy, Epic, Legendary, Ultimate, Mythic, and Prestige. Now, a new addition to the game is Mythic Variants. These skin recolors are exclusive loot content that can only be obtained through specific loot boxes for a limited time. They cannot be purchased in the shop.

What are Mythic Variants?

Mythic Variants are exclusive skin recolors that can only be obtained through specific loot boxes and during a certain period of time. They are not available for purchase in the shop. Instead, Riot Games takes older skins like Dark Cosmic Jhin and recolors them, adding new abilities colors, splash art, icons, and borders.

For example, Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin is a Mythic Variant skin that can be obtained by opening a capsule. It is guaranteed to be obtained within 30 capsules. You don’t need to own the original skin to get the Mythic Variant.

Why did Riot add Mythic Variants?

Riot Games introduced Mythic Variants because they felt that Mythic and Prestige skins had become too readily available and didn’t feel special anymore. Instead of taking away from players who are happy with the more accessible Prestige system, they introduced Mythic Variants to keep the exclusivity and uniqueness of certain skins.

Availability in the Shop

Currently, Mythic Variants are not available for purchase in the shop. Riot Games has considered the possibility of adding them in the future, but there are no guarantees.

List of Mythic Variants skins

  • Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin

League of Legends, Mythic Variants, skins, loot, exclusivity.

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