Doublelift has not secured a victory in the LCS while using Senna.

By Ishaan Khatri

Liquid Struggles with Senna Pick in LCS

Senna is a highly debated champion in the LCS right now, but Team Liquid’s star AD carry, Doublelift, has yet to secure a win with her. All four of Liquid’s losses this season have featured Senna.

Liquid had high expectations for the 2020 LCS Spring Split with the addition of former Fnatic jungler, Broxah. However, due to visa issues, the team has been forced to use a substitute.

Doublelift’s Impact on Team Liquid

While the blame for Liquid’s 2-4 record and joint seventh-place standing can’t solely be placed on newcomer Shernfire, the team has been notably sloppy and failed to gain momentum.

Doublelift, who is usually the core of the team along with support player CoreJJ, has struggled in the current meta focused on caster-orientated ADCs like Aphelios, Miss Fortune, and Senna.

In a post-game interview with Ovilee May, Doublelift mentioned that Senna doesn’t fit Liquid’s playstyle. Despite this, the team continues to prioritize her in their draft picks.

Senna’s Performance in LCS and Other Leagues

Senna has played in 20 games in the LCS with a pick and ban rate of 80 percent, but has only won six games, resulting in a low 30 percent win rate. In comparison, Senna has a 62.5 percent win rate in Europe’s LEC, making her one of the top-performing champions.

In China’s LPL and Korea’s LCK, Senna is not as commonly picked. Champions like Lucian and Xayah have higher pick and ban rates in those leagues.

In solo queue, Senna performs well as an ADC with a win rate of 50.11 percent in Platinum and above.

Reevaluating Liquid’s Strategy

It’s possible that Senna may not be the right fit for the LCS and could remain a niche pick in Europe. Liquid and Doublelift may need to rethink their strategy and consider champions like Xayah and Miss Fortune.

Liquid will face off against Immortals in their upcoming game on Saturday, Feb. 15, where they will aim to redeem themselves.

Senna, LCS, Team Liquid, Doublelift, ADC, champion, pick, win rate, meta, strategy

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