5 Champions with Low Durability in League of Legends

By Ishaan Khatri

Top 5 Squishiest Champions in League of Legends

League of Legends is a game that anyone can play and enjoy. It has gained immense popularity worldwide, with professional leagues in every country. In this article, we will be highlighting five champions who are considered to be squishy, meaning they are easier to kill compared to others.

1. Anivia

Anivia is similar to Annie but with one key difference – she is the squishiest champion in the game. She has low health and defense stats, and no natural escape ability. Anivia relies on an egg that can be used as an escape tool after a certain period of time. It’s best to play defensively with Anivia and take calculated risks during team fights or when enemies are distracted by objectives.

2. Sona

Sona is a champion known for her damage output, but she is also one of the squishiest champions in League of Legends. She lacks mobility and can easily be killed if caught out of position. It’s important to keep Sona protected during team fights and position her behind allies to minimize damage taken.

3. Orianna

Orianna is a champion frequently seen in professional play, but she is vulnerable just like other champions on this list. She lacks an escape tool and can be quickly killed if caught near enemies. Orianna players need to be cautious and avoid risky situations.

4. Yuumi

Yuumi is a champion that demands good positioning and lacks an escape ability. She thrives when attached to allies but becomes extremely vulnerable when alone. Yuumi’s low health pool and vulnerability to crowd control make her an easy target for enemies.

5. Lux

Lux excels in burst damage, but her lack of mobility puts her at risk. In order to unleash her full potential, she needs to position herself in the middle of battle. However, if caught out, Lux will quickly fall due to her reliance on abilities for damage. It’s crucial to be aware of your surroundings and avoid unnecessary risks.

When playing these squishier champions, it’s important to be cautious and prioritize your safety. They can be easy targets if not played carefully. We hope you found this article informative. Good luck on the Rift!

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