The former Digital Chaos roster, known as Planet Odd’s Dota 2 team, is being removed from the organization after only two months. The team, which included players like Rasmus “MiSeRy-” Filipsen, David “MoonMeander” Tan, and Roman “Resolut1on” Fominok, placed second at The International 6 in 2016 and earned a total of $3.4 million. However, due to their performances in 2017, the team did not receive a direct invite to The International 7 and had to go through the North American regional qualifier. Unfortunately, despite having star players, Planet Odd was unable to make it to the main event and was eliminated by compLexity Gaming. According to a statement from Planet Odd, the team is now splitting apart. Former support player Martin “Saksa” Sazdov will be attending The International 7 as the coach of HellRaisers, while carry player Resolut1on will act as a stand-in for Team Empire. The team had a successful run in 2016, placing third/fourth at the final Valve Major in Boston and earning a significant amount in prize winnings.